Thursday, November 8, 2007

Positives for today

Ok, I didn't work out. I didn't eat clean. I did actually read a lot of the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle eBook I bought. Wow, it's an eye opener. For years, I've been shooting to weigh 145. It's based on BMI, which I know is useless. When I was on Weight Watchers, I did the math for what 26 BMI would be ad 145 was it for my height. Actually, when you set a weight goal, WW requires that the maximum be 26 BMI for women. Now that I know BMI is complete crap that tells you no more than the scale, I see the error of my thinking. I've read through chapter four of the BFFM book and it really resonates with me.

So from where I am now, still sitting at 227, I was shooting for an 82 lb weight loss. Now, I can see that would be unreasonable. My current skinfold reading is 33% body fat at 227 and 5'5". Doing the math, my fat lbs are 75 (74.91) and my lean body weight is 152. My bones, water and muscle are more weight than my old goal weight. See, that IS unreasonable.

So now, my goal is not based on weight or BMI, it's based on body composition. I am currently at 33% body fat. My 12-month goal is 16% body fat. Wow, that sounds really lean to me. If I feed the muscle and burn the fat (concept of the book...keep the muscle or lean body mass, and burn fat through exercise), I would be at 16% body fat at 180 lbs. Wow, that's very different from 145.

So, here's the daily goals: drink half my body weight in ounces in water everyday, eat six small meals each day (b'fast, lunch & dinner a bit bigger at around 400 cals & snacks around 200, which would put me around 1800 cals). Hmm, maybe that's not enough calories though, since I burn anywhere between 2400-3000 cals a day. Will have to try that to see if I can actually lose any weight. It might be too agressive of a calorie deficit.


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