Friday, November 2, 2007

Another day another workout, strength today

I worked out with my trainer James today. I told him it had been awhile since I'd done strength training and all the daily cardio I've been doing hasn't dropped a tenth of a pound in the last two weeks. Major bummer. I do love doing Turbo. I can feel that it tightens my muscles, but it hasn't helped me lose weight this month. You'd think with the number of calories I burn coupled with what I eat that I would be dropping the pounds, but it just ain't happenin'.

Stats for today are:
calories burned as of 9:30: 2741
steps taken: 11, 349
calories in: ??



Unknown said...

Keep it up. I've been on the bugg for a few weeks and already credit it with getting past my biggest weightloss plateau. By best piece of advice would be to curb your breakfast (i.e. a few egg whites, yogurtand a banana is a great meal) to bank some calories for the rest of the day. Also, try to systematically overestimate the calories you claim to be eating.

Not Just Another Journey said...

Thanks for the advice, Cornellius! I've had the bugg for a couple of months and credit it with a 2% reduction in BF% and 13 lb weight loss. I am a new mom and am having a tough time staying healthy enough to go to the gym as often as needed.